
Deploy Syncromeshin a live site and test several use cases over time in advance of wider deployment.The initial use case installed for the purpose of demonstrating Lighting Control with BMS Integration and showcasing the analytics and visibility of human movement, humidity and ventilation control
Provide the ability to measure and manage social distancing and people tracing. Initially deploy to a commercial space with highdensity occupant/visitor movementIncorporating emerging IR temperature sensors (COVID-19).
The Challenge
CovidCompliance –meet governance and regulatory obligations by measuring and tracking movement of employees, vendors, contractors / cleaners in real time
Measure and Monitor Sustainability impacts -Environmental impact (e.g.water consumption), Health and Wellbeing impact (e.g.hygiene), Impact on key sustainability ratings: NABERS, GREEN STAR. Manage and monitor Building Operations Integration -BMS Integration (Future: Energy Management, Building Controls)
Objective and Outcomes
The identified business need is to deploy an innovation lab that can make buildings safe, healthy and attractive for when tenants return and to showcase developing technology. The objective is to deploy Syncromeshat Oztechhead office, North Ryde as an innovation lab. Improved Energy Use and Tenant Experience via Lighting Control. Enhanced Management Information from the Site via BMS Integration alongside BMS led Lighting Control. Manage Occupant Comfort via Environmental Sensors, Optimise Occupancy via Heat Mapping
COVID-19 Safe Return to Work, Social Distancing (C-19), Contact Tracing (C-19), Workspace Cleanliness Reporting (C-19). Workspace Environmentals -Temperature, Humidity, Light, Movement, CO2 measurement.
The Opportunity
To showcase and develop ecosystem of partners and showcase multiple use cases to build out the ScaaS portfolio of products and services for Cognian partners and customers. Provide the ability to measure and manage social distancing, individual health reporting, workspace hygiene. Use Cases include – Lighting control (On, Off, Dim, Sensor (Future: Local Control, Power Skimming, Scheduling, Daylight Harvesting, and Circadian Patterning) -Energy saving, Dimming, BMS Integration.